
Necesse esse
Necesse esse

It’s in a cage and the person who brought it is called “a poulterer,” because of his business.’ These, then, are the messengers of Jove! What difference does it make whether they eat or not? None, so far as the auspices are concerned. But what are these birds they are talking about, and where are they? Someone replies, ‘It’s poultry. But one must be an expert to know what constitutes ‘silence,’ for by that term we mean ‘free of every augural defect.’ To understand that belongs to a perfect augur.) After the celebrant 1 has said to his assistant, ‘Tell me when silence appears to exist,’ the latter, without looking up or about him, immediately replies, ‘Silence appears to exist.’ Then the celebrant says, ‘Tell me when the chickens begin to eat.’ ‘They are eating now,’ is the answer. Nunc vero inclusa in cavea et fame enecta, si in offamĪuspices-but in these days anyone will do. Tum igitur esset auspicium si modo esset ei liberum se ostendisse tum avis illa videri posset interpres et satelles Iovis. “Ergo hoc auspicium divini quicquam habere potest, quod tam sit coactum et expressum? Quo antiquissimos augures non esse usos argumento est, quod decretum collegi vetus habemus omnem avem tripudium facere posse. Cum igitur offa cecidit ex ore pulli, tum auspicanti tripudium solistimum nuntiatur.ħ3 XXXV. Hoc intellegere perfecti auguris est.) Illi autem, qui in auspicium adhibetur, cum ita imperavit is, qui auspicatur, ‘Dicito, si silentium esse videbitur,’ nec suspicit nec circumspicit statim respondet ‘silentium esse videri.’ Tum ille : ‘Dicito, si pascentur.’ ‘Pascuntur.’ Quae aves? aut ubi? ‘Attulit,’ inquit, ‘in cavea pullos is qui, ex eo ipso, nominatur pullarius.’ Haec sunt igitur aves internuntiae Iovis! Quae pascantur necne quid refert? Nihil ad auspicia sed quia, cum pascuntur, necesse est aliquid ex ore cadere et terram pavire- ‘terripavium’ primo, post ‘terripudium’ dictum est hoc quidem iam ‘tripudium’ dicitur.

necesse esse

Peritum autem esse necesse est eum, qui, silentium quid sit, intellegat id enim silentium dicimus in auspiciis, quod omni 72 vitio caret.

Necesse esse